Heat-loving plants thrive in sunny spots and can withstand drought conditions. Here are some top choices for a vibrant summer garden, suitable for both garden beds and pots.

9 heat-loving plants for a long green summer

1) Dwarf Begonias: These plants are unfazed by heat. For abundant blooms, add a liquid fertilizer for flowering plants to the irrigation water every 10 days.

2) Bella di Notte (Mirabilis jalapa): From June to October, this plant produces many small, fragrant flowers. It prefers full sun and needs frequent watering, especially in summer.

3) Coleus: Known for its colorful leaves that range from red to green to yellow, often bicolored or veined. In winter, bring it indoors as it cannot tolerate temperatures below 15°C (59°F).

4) Cycas: This plant is highly resilient, tolerating temperatures up to 40°C (104°F) and down to -10°C (14°F). It can withstand intense heat and drought but should be moved to a greenhouse in winter.

5) Dahlias: When well-fertilized with a liquid fertilizer for flowering plants and adequately watered, dahlias provide long-lasting blooms until October.

6) Chinese Hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus): This beautiful plant thrives in summer heat, continuously producing colourful flowers that last for just one day each.

7) Flowering Pomegranate: A hardy plant that produces numerous pink and red flowers. For terrace cultivation, dwarf varieties are the best choice.

8) Oleander: Prefers a mild climate with hot, dry summers and does not tolerate frost below 5°C (41°F). It offers generous blooms that can last into winter.

9) Flowering Sage (Salvia splendens): This plant withstands heat well but requires regular watering and organic liquid fertilizer for horticultural plants. It is distinguished by large panicles of red flowers.

Enjoy a long, green summer with these heat-loving plants that bring beauty and resilience to your garden